Classic Bits¶
With a classical computer the bit is determined by voltage on a wire.
0 (Low Voltage 0-2 Volts)
1 (High Voltage 3-5 Volts)
On a classic computer, bits and circuits are governed by classical physics.
The foundation of all classical computers is the application of logic gates to bits. Gates work on the bits using traditional logic. The circuit for a classical full adder is shown below.
Quantum Bits¶
Quantum Computers are built on a different foundation. The Qubit is the quantum equivalent of a bit. Gates are governed by Linear Algebra not Boolean Logic. Qubits are governed by Quantum Physics not Classical Physics. Writing Quantum Algorithms requires a completely different perspective than classical algorithms.
When measured a qubit can have one of two values
\(\qzero\) the quantum False or 0 state
\(\qone\) the quantum True or 1 state
This way of writing values is called Dirac Notation. During computation a qubit can be in superposition. A superposition is a linear combination of states.
\( \begin{align} \dirac{\psi} = \alpha \qzero + \beta \qone \end{align} \)
This means that a qubit is a linear combination of states.
\( \begin{align} \dirac{\psi} = \alpha \qzero + \beta \qone \end{align} \)
The values of \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are complex numbers. When the qubit is measured it will be either 0 or 1. The probability of a 0 is \(\left|\alpha\right|^2\). The probability of a 1 is \(\left| \beta \right|^2\).
Since both are probabilities they must add together to get 1. There is a 100% chance the qubit is either 0 or 1.
\( \begin{align*} \left|\alpha\right|^2 + \left| \beta \right|^2 = 1 \end{align*} \)
A qubit has a continuum of states between \(\qzero\) and \(\qone\). When measured the qubit will either be in state \(0\) or \(1\), but until we measure it the qubit can be in any pobability.
A qubit with a 50/50 split between \(0\) and \(1\) is shown below.
\( \begin{align} \qplus =& \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \qzero + \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \qone \\ \left|\alpha\right|^2 =& \left| \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \right|^2 = \frac{1}{2} = 50\% \\ \left|\beta\right|^2 =& \left| \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \right|^2 = \frac{1}{2} = 50\%\\ \end{align} \)
In a classical computer, we talk about bits but they are really electric singals. What is a qubit in reality?
There are many quantum particles we can use a qubits and different features we can meaure of each.
two polarizations of a photon
alignment of the nuclear spin in a uniform magnetic field
two states of an electron orbiting a single atom
For our purposes: It doesn’t matter. We will leave that to physics. Just like how we can design a circle using just logic, if we understand the math behind the qubits we can design circuits without understanding all the physics.
One way to imagine a qubit is a Bloch Sphere. We imagine the qubit is a sphere. Imagine there is a dot painted on the qubit. When we measure the qubit, we will find out where the dot is. A dot at the top of the sphere means a 100% chance of measuring 0. A dot at the bottom of the sphere has a 100% chance of measuring 1. If you put the dot at some point in the middle, you might get a 1 and might get a 0. The probability of each depends on where you places the dot.
To determine our point on the sphere, we used the fact that \(\left|\alpha\right|^2 + \left| \beta \right|^2 = 1\). We can find the point on the sphere.
\( \begin{align} \dirac{\psi} =& \alpha \qzero + \beta \qone \\ \dirac{\psi} =& e^{i \gamma} \left( \cos \frac{\theta}{2} \qzero + e^{i \varphi} \sin \frac{\theta}{2} \qone \right) \end{align} \)
The factor \(e^{i \gamma}\) has no observable effects and is normally ignored in algorithms.
Qubit Information¶
How much information is in a qubit? The sphere has an infinite number of points Measuring a single qubit only gives 0 or 1. Running multiple tests lets us approximate \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\). If we measure \(\qplus\) and get 0, then the qubit will measure \(\qzero\) in any later test. No one knows why this happens!
A qubit can be drawn as a vector.
\( \begin{align} \dirac{\psi} = \alpha \qzero + \beta \qone = \begin{bmatrix} \alpha \\ \beta \end{bmatrix} \end{align} \)
A multiple qubit system is a larger vector. A two-qubit system has a probability for each result.
\( \begin{align} \dirac{\psi} =& \alpha_{00} \dirac{00} + \alpha_{01} \dirac{01} + \alpha_{10} \dirac{10} + \alpha_{11} \dirac{11} \\ =& \begin{bmatrix} \alpha_{00} \\ \alpha_{01} \\ \alpha_{10} \\ \alpha_{11} \end{bmatrix} \end{align} \)
A three qubit system would be a vector of \(2^3=8\) complex numbers. There are 8 possible settings of 3 bits and each one has a complex number. The system could have an even split between all 8 different outcomes.
More generally, an \(n\) qubit system is a vector of \(2^n\) complex numbers. This makes simulating quantum systems very difficult. Imagine you want to simulate a quantum computer on a classical computer. To store a complex number, you need to store 2 floats. Let’s say you use 64-bit floats. Each complex number takes \(64*2\) bits. If you have an \(n\) qubit system, you need \((2^n)(64*2)\) bits. To simulate a 6 qubit system on a classic computer we need 8192 bits just to store the vector. To store the state vector of a 32 qubit system would require 549755813888 bits which is 68.7 GB!